Tattoos Helping Women

June 16, 2017

Tattoos Making a Difference

Some women who have undergone mastectomies and breast reconstructive surgery are using tattoos to help heal physical and emotional scars. Women whoโ€™ve had breast reconstructive surgery sometimes have to undergo another to have nipples added to their new breast. New nipples can be created surgically, but some women opt out of having another surgery because it can be costly.

The process of having these tattoos is called areola micro pigmentation.

The areola is the circular area of pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple.  Areola micro pigmentation is a permanent tattoo that imitates the look of a real nipple. Nipple tattoo gives women a sense of normalcy and helps boost self esteem.

UBCF stands behind our clients as they go through mastectomies and breast reconstructive surgery through our #FlauntYourFight campaign. The #FlauntYourFight campaign raises awareness of breast cancer, brings to light the physical and emotional challenges and changes that women and men experience when battling the disease and increases body positivity. People in need of support with breast reconstructive surgery are encouraged to apply to our program.

breast reconstruction, breast reconstruction program, mastectomy, nipple tattoo, tattoo,

About UBCF

UBCF is committed to offering breast health and wellness services focused on cancer prevention, screening, treatment and overall wellness. UBCFโ€™s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer and carries it out through seven life-supporting patient and family programs available to women, men and families nationwide. UBCF never denies services to anyone regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, income or medical insurance coverage. Tax-deductible contributions may be made towards UBCFโ€™s programs. UBCF accepts vehicle and property donations as well. Combined Federal Campaign #77934

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