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A pocket of pus that forms as the body’s defenses attempt to wall off infection-causing germs.
The colored tissue that encircles the nipple.
Removal of fluid from a cyst or cells from a lump, using a needle and syringe.
Cells that are both abnormal (atypical) and increased in number. Benign microscopic breast changes known as atypical hyperplasia moderately increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.
A measure of the chances of getting breast cancer without the presence of any specific factors known to be associated with the disease.
Not cancerous; cannot invade neighboring tissues or spread to other parts of the body.
Noncancerous changes in the breast. Benign breast conditions can cause pain, lumpiness, and other problems.
The removal of a sample of tissue or cells for examination under a microscope for purposes of diagnosis.
The principal genes that, when altered, indicate an inherited susceptibility to breast cancer and possibly ovarian cancer. These gene alterations are present in 80 to 90 percent of hereditary cases of breast cancer.
Glandular tissue in the breast common in younger women, making it difficult for mammography to detect breast cancer.
Silicone rubber sacs, which are filled with silicone gel or sterile saline, used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Breast Self-Examination. The American Cancer Society says that women can use BSE to know what is normal for them.
Small deposits of calcium in tissue, which can be seen on mammograms.
A general name for more than 100 diseases in which abnormal cells grow out of control. Cancer cells can invade and destroy healthy tissues, and they can spread through the bloodstream and the lymphatic system to other parts of the body.
Cancer that begins in tissues lining or covering the surfaces (epithelial tissues) of organs, glands, or other body structures. Most cancers are carcinomas. Carcinoma in situ: Cancer that is confined to the cells where it began, and has not spread into surrounding tissues.
The use of drugs or vitamins to prevent cancer in people who have precancerous conditions or a high risk of cancer, or to prevent the recurrence of cancer in people who have already been treated for it.
Structures located in the nucleus of a cell, containing genes.
A physical examination by a doctor or nurse of the breast, underarm and collarbone area, first on one side, then on the other.
An imaging technique that uses a computer to organize the information from multiple x-ray views and construct a cross-sectional image of areas inside the body.
The use of special computer programs to scan mammographic images and flag areas that look suspicious.
The use of a small cutting needle to remove a core of tissue for microscopic examination.
Normal tissue changes that occur in response to the changing levels of female hormones during the menstrual cycle. Cyclic breast changes can produce swelling, tenderness and pain.
Fluid-filled sac. Most breast cysts are benign.
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The use of a breast x-ray to evaluate the breasts of a woman who has symptoms of disease such as a lump, or whose screening mammogram shows an abnormality.
A technique for recording x-ray images in computer code, which allows the information to enhance subtle, but potentially significant, changes.
Channels that carry bodily fluids. Breast ducts transport milk from the breast’s lobules out to the nipple.
Cancer that is confined to the ducts of the breast tissue.
The surgical removal (excision) of an abnormal area of tissue, usually along with a margin of healthy tissue, for microscopic examination. Excisional biopsies remove the entire lump from the breast.
Breast x-rays that miss cancer when it is present.
Breast x-rays that indicate breast cancer is present when the disease is truly absent.
Lumps of fatty material that form in response to a bruise or blow to the breast.
Benign breast tumor made up of both structural (fibro) and glandular (adenoma) tissues.
See Generalized breast lumpiness.
The use of a slender needle to remove fluid from a cyst or clusters of cells from a solid lump.
A sliver of frozen biopsy tissue. A frozen section provides a quick preliminary diagnosis but is not 100 percent reliable.
Breast irregularities and lumpiness, commonplace and noncancerous. Sometimes called “fibrocystic disease” or “benign breast disease.”
Segment of a DNA molecule and the fundamental biological unit of heredity.
An alteration in a segment of DNA, which can disturb a gene’s behavior and sometimes leads to disease.
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A measure of the chances of getting breast cancer when factor(s) known to be associated with the disease are present.
Hormone-containing medications taken to offset the symptoms and other effects of the hormone loss that accompanies menopause.
Chemicals produced by various glands in the body, which produce specific effects on specific target organs and tissues.
Excessive growth of cells. Several types of benign breast conditions involve hyperplasia.
The surgical removal of a portion of an abnormal area of tissue, by cutting into (incising) it, for microscopic examination.
Invasion of body tissues by microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.
Cancer that has spread to nearby tissue, lymph nodes under the arm, or other parts of the body.
The body’s protective response to injury (including infection). Inflammation is marked by heat, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function.
A small wart-like growth that projects into a breast duct.
Cancer that has spread to nearby tissue, lymph nodes under the arm, or other parts of the body.
A technology being studied in research for breast cancer detection that shines a laser beam through the breast and records the image produced, using a special camera.
Milk-producing tissues of the breast. Each of the breast’s 15 to 20 lobes branches into smaller lobules and each lobule ends in scores of tiny bulbs. Milk originates in the bulbs and is carried by ducts to the nipple.
The use of mammography to locate tissue containing an abnormality that can be detected only on mammograms, so it can be removed for microscopic examination.
Surgery to remove only the cancerous breast lump; usually followed by radiation therapy.
The tissues and organs that produce, store, and transport cells that fight infection and disease.
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Coarse calcium deposits. They are most likely due to aging, old injuries, or inflammations and usually are associated with benign conditions.
A technique that uses a powerful magnet linked to a computer to create detailed pictures of areas inside the body.
State of being cancerous. Malignant tumors can invade surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body.
A benign breast condition in which ducts beneath the nipple become dilated and sometimes inflamed, and which can cause pain and nipple discharge.
An x-ray of the breast.
The examination of breast tissue using x-rays.
Surgery to remove the breast (or as much of the breast as possible).
Infection of the breast. Mastitis is most often seen in nursing mothers.
The time when a woman’s monthly menstrual periods cease. Menopause is sometimes called the “change of life.”
The monthly cycle of discharge, during a woman’s reproductive years, of blood and tissues from the uterus.
Tiny deposits of calcium in the breast, which can show up on a mammogram. Certain patterns of microcalcifications are sometimes a sign of breast cancer.
A change in the number, arrangement or molecular sequence of a gene.
Use of a needle to extract cells or bits of tissue for microscopic examination.
Fluid coming from the nipple.
Cancer in breast tissue that can be seen on mammograms but that cannot be felt.
Biopsy and surgical treatment combined into a single operation.
A condition of mineral loss that causes a decrease in bone density and an enlargement of bone spaces, producing bone fragility. Certain treatments for breast cancer can impact a woman’s risk of developing osteoporosis.
Use of the fingers to press body surfaces, so as to feel tissues and organs underneath. Palpating the breast for lumps is a crucial part of a physical breast examination.
A doctor who diagnoses disease by studying cells and tissues under a microscope.
Biopsy tissue specially prepared and mounted on slides so that it can be examined under a microscope by a pathologist.
Naturally occurring chemicals found in plants that may be important nutrients for reducing a person’s cancer risk.
A technique that uses signals emitted by radioactive tracers to construct images of the distribution of the tracers in the human body.
Surgery to remove a breast that is not known to contain breast cancer, for the purpose of reducing an individual’s cancer risk.
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A unit of measure for radiation. It stands for radiation absorbed dose.
Energy carried by waves or by streams of particles. Various forms of radiation can be used in low doses to diagnose disease and in high doses to treat disease.
A doctor with special training in the use of diagnostic imaging such as CT, MRI, PET and ultrasound, to image body tissues and to treat disease.
A measure of the likelihood of some uncertain or random event with negative consequences for human life or health.
Conditions or agents that increase a person’s chances of getting cancer. Risk factors do not necessarily cause cancer; rather, they are indicators, statistically associated with an increase in likelihood.
A benign breast disease that involves the excessive growth of tissues in the breast’s lobules.
Breast x-ray used to look for signs of disease such as cancer in people who are symptom-free.
The image produced by ultrasound.
An x-ray of tissue that has been surgically removed (surgical specimen).
A technique that employs three-dimensional x-ray to pinpoint a specific target area. It is used in conjunction with needle biopsy of nonpalpable breast abnormalities.
The surgical removal of tissue for microscopic examination and diagnosis. Surgical biopsies can be either excisional or incisional. (See Excisional biopsy and Incisional biopsy.)
A hormonally related drug that has been used to treat breast cancer and is being tested as a possible preventive strategy. Women on this medication should have regular ultrasounds of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) because of potential changes there.
A diagnostic technique in which an infrared camera is used to measure temperature variations on the surface of the body, producing images that reveal sites of abnormal tissue growth used especially as a screening method for detection of breast cancer
An abnormal growth of tissue. Tumors may be either benign or cancerous.
Proteins (either amounts or unique variants) made by altered genes in cancer cells that are involved in the progression of the disease.
Biopsy and treatment done in two stages, usually a week or two apart.
The use of sound waves to produce images of body tissues.
A high-energy form of radiation. X-rays form an image of body structures by traveling through the body and striking a sheet of film. Breast x-rays are called mammograms.
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A type of massage in which finger pressure on the specific bodily sites described in acupuncture therapy is used to promote healing, alleviate fatigue, etc.
A Chinese medical practice or procedure that treats illness or provides local anesthesia by the insertion of needles at specified sites of the body.
A therapy that initiates healing and well being. Suited well for persons who are depressed, fatigued, anxious, etc..
Identifying with principles of holism in a system of therapeutics, especially one considered outside the mainstream of scientific medicine, as naturopathy or chiropractic, and usually involving nutritional measures. Holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body.
A nontraditional system for treating and preventing disease, in which minute amounts of a substance that in large amounts causes disease symptoms are given to healthy individuals. This is thought to enhance the body’s natural defenses.
Massage pertaining to the lymph.
The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body especially to aid circulation, relax the muscles, or provide sensual stimulation.
Encompasses a wide range of therapies that can be very helpful for those with breast cancer, or those who wish to prevent it. In the field of herbal medicine, there are many plants that can enhance normal immune function and have antitumor effects, or that can reduce toxicity and side effects caused by conventional treatments, without interfering with their action. Guidance in nutrition and food choices, as well as nutritional supplements, can encourage the growth and health of normal cells, while weakening cancer cells. And homeopathic remedies can stimulate the body’s own ability to fight or prevent cancer, without interfering with conventional treatments. Naturopaths are licensed as physicians in 16 states, and with their additional training in pharmacology, they have the knowledge necessary to help their clients make the most effective and safest use of natural therapies for breast cancer. – Dr. Valerie Nix MHW
A session with a certified nutritionist who will identify which foods, vitamins, herbs, and health practices are best for a specific individual in order to obtain optimal health and longevity.
Of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones; “organic eggs”; “organic vegetables”; “organic chicken”
A powerful yet gentle form of energy that is healing in nature. It is used to alleviate stress, reduce pain, and promote relaxation and healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. During a session the Reiki practitioner places their hands on or above the person's body while they are fully clothed, either seated or lying down. Reiki works in conjunction with all conventional medical and therapeutic techniques to improve the effectiveness of treatments, while reducing side effects and decreasing healing time. – Barbara France, MHW
A form of therapeutic massage in which pressure is applied with the thumbs and palms to those areas of the body used in acupuncture. Also called acupressure.
Something added to a treatment regime to make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole.
a Chinese martial art and form of stylized, meditative exercise, characterized by methodically slow circular and stretching movements and positions of bodily balance.
a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.