Giving Tuesday is just around the corner!
United Breast Cancer Foundation is so grateful for all of our supporters!! Thanks to YOU, we get to do the amazing work of supporting breast cancer patients, survivors, families and those in need of early detection services.
As most of us know, #GivingTuesday is November 29th. And this year, every dollar donated to UBCF between now and November 29th will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000! This means your gift of $25 becomes $50, $60 becomes $120, and $100, becomes $200!!
This is your opportunity to DOUBLE your gift and make TWICE the impact for breast cancer patients and their families. You can make your gift today – click or tap here.
As an avid adventurer, Julia has lived and traveled across the world. She loves exploring and can make anywhere home!
Julia has always been healthy and taken good care of herself, so needless to say, she was shocked when her first routine mammogram led to a breast cancer diagnosis. Fortunately, because of early detection, Julia’s breast cancer was found at an early stage.
Because of her interest in integrative care, which consists of a culmination of care types including holistic treatment and supportive services, Julia found and reached out to United Breast Cancer Foundation. Due to the fact her insurance didn’t cover integrated care, Julia was relieved when UBCF provided her with a Holistic Care grant which she put towards her personalized integrative care treatments.
The skills Julia has learned to help with her healing has transcended her experience. “I’ve been learning about visual imagery through integrative care. When the pain comes, I go to my special place… I wouldn’t have learned that otherwise. I’m so grateful because it’s been helping me with my quality of life in general.”
Your gift of $50, $25, or even $10 will help us assist TWICE as many breast cancer survivors, patients and their families, just like Julia. Please visit our #GivingTuesday donation page and make your most generous gift today!
Learn More about UBCF’s Programs
Join UBCF and celebrate Giving Tuesday on November 29th! Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to DOUBLE your gift!
Thank you!
Together, we are making a difference!