Spring is finally upon us, the snow will be gone soon and it’s a good time to make some healthy resolutions. It’s time to get outside, walk more, eat healthier and quit smoking. When we think of smoking and cancer we automatically think of lung cancer. 90% of lung cancer cases in men are caused by smoking and 80% in women. But did you know that smoking has now been linked to Breast Cancer in post menopausal women?
In a recent study, scientist found that smokers were 19% more likely to develop Breast Cancer than non smokers, In fact, there is still a 7% risk even for women who kicked the habit.
Smoking remains a leading cause of preventable death and has negative health impacts on people at all stages of life. Aside from cancer, smoking can impact your health in many other ways. Smoking can also causes heart disease, stroke, aortic aneurysm, COPD, bronchitis , emphysema, asthma along with a host of other diseases.
Let’s make this year the year that you get healthy and quit smoking, it’s not going to be easy or fun, but the benefits outweigh the initial discomfort. If you are looking for help, check out the links here http://smokefree.gov/ and here http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/ . Almost every state has a quitline that offers free patches, gum or lozenges. Contact your health department in your state to find out more.
See the article here http://au.news.yahoo.com/world/a/22059090/new-smoking-link-to-breast-cancer/