The Power of Integrative Care Julia is an adventurer and has lived and traveled across the globe while exploring various cultures. While she’s from the midwest, she feels that she can make anywhere home! Julia has always been healthy and strives to take care of herself. This made…
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the world’s largest annual charitable giving campaign, open to federal, military, and postal employees. Huntington, NY (PRWeb) This year, UBCF is excited to announce its ninth consecutive year participating in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The CFC is an opportunity for Federal,…
#GiveForGoodLou is an unprecedented day of unity in the name of philanthropy. Communities from across Kentucky and Southern Indiana will join forces to give vital support to participating nonprofits on Friday, September 17, 2021. Huntington, NY (PRWeb) On Friday, September 17, the Community Foundation of Louisville is hosting…
Reduce single-use plastic in the environment and give back to those in need, all while running routine errands at the local Stop & Shop! As part of the ongoing Community Bag Program, every month, a different local non-profit is selected to benefit from the sale of reusable Community…
UBCF was the Title Patient Sponsor of the Twisted Pink Gala, gifting tickets to 32 breast cancer patients, survivors and guests. United Breast Cancer Foundation (UBCF) was proud to be the Title Patient Sponsor of Twisted Pink’s 7th Annual Gala, “An Evening Inspired”, held on July 9th at Churchill Downs…
Cancer Care During Covid Covid-19 has impacted many different facets of life, including breast cancer care, diagnosis, and treatment. This is visible in the way treatment has been delayed and altered to deal with the extreme challenges caused by the pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has lasted for more…
Feeling Blessed Through It All Paulette is a woman who strives to surround herself with love. As a mother of six wonderful children, she still feels blessed despite her battles. On her birthday in August 2019, doctors diagnosed Paulette with triple negative breast cancer. To combat her breast…
Dealing with a BRCA and Breast Cancer Diagnosis Jennifer is a creative, strong and outgoing woman. She likes to spend time with her husband and has spent the last several years in Texas with him. Jennifer likes to partake in extreme sports and has even made a hobby…