10 Reasons why United Breast Cancer Foundation is AWESOME!

March 10, 2016
  1. We’re in New York, baby! And a pretty nice train ride away from the City.

NYC skiyline

  1. We’re 7 minutes away from the nearest mall.

the mall

  1. Our instagram page is mighty awesome.

wink gif

  1. We were featured as the charity of choice at major NASCAR events. Whoo yeah!!


  1. Our programs are offered to women AND men affected by breast cancer… I know — amazing, right?

surprise gif

  1. We’re a small group of professionals running a national organization. Efficiency is our middle name ;D


  1. Have you seen our Facebook page? Wow, over 7,000 likes!

mind blown gif

Now let’s reach over 9,000!!

over 9,000

We can do it, Nappa!

  1. We provide donation drives to our local communities to assist those in need. Check out our past events!


  1. Have you used the Treatment Journal? These resourceful set of documents are designed to help you on your journey with breast cancer!

Treatment Journal 2-2

  1. Most of all, the number one reason we are awesome, is that we have 7 programs to assist patients and their families in a variety of ways. Check out our awesome programs!

cat wow gif

Want to be awesome?

wow + pointing

Here are five ways you can be awesome, too!

  1. You can volunteer at events, such as the Mattress Donation Pickup! (of course there will be more events you can volunteer to! )
  2. You can donate a vehicle of your choice.
  3. You can support a program.
  4. You can become a guest blogger and write articles for the UBCF community.
  5. And best of all, you can help others learn about us by sharing, liking, commenting on UBCF’s posts and resources on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

ur awesome

Graphics Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1112

about, awesome, facebook, gifs, instagram, international day of awesomeness, NASCAR, new york, nyc, programs, twitter, UBCF,

About UBCF

UBCF is committed to offering breast health and wellness services focused on cancer prevention, screening, treatment and overall wellness. UBCF’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer and carries it out through seven life-supporting patient and family programs available to women, men and families nationwide. UBCF never denies services to anyone regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, income or medical insurance coverage. Tax-deductible contributions may be made towards UBCF’s programs. UBCF accepts vehicle and property donations as well. Combined Federal Campaign #77934

Join Our Cause

Want to be a part of the amazing work we do? Whether you want to volunteer, fundraise, participate in events, or more, there are always ways to get involved in our mission. View our upcoming events, partnership opportunities, donation options, and more on our Get Involved page!

Host an Event

Interested in hosting an event on behalf of UBCF? We're always looking for volunteers to host a Pink Bag Event®, Tempur-Pedic® Mattress Event, or another kind of fundraising or community event. Fill out and submit our "Host an Event" form to learn more!